Sunday, January 24, 2016

Join a Challenge Group!

Are you looking for accountability and support to help you on your journey to better health and fitness?  Then a Challenge Group is the place for you!!

So, what is a Challenge Group?  A Challenge Group is made up of other people just like you!  People looking for a little help on their journey to better health and fitness that would love to receive encouragement and tips along the way.

What you'll receive:
 - A private community, with members all looking to grow fit together
 - Daily encouragement and support
 - Assistance determining a workout plan
 - Weekly meal plans and recipes
 - Tips on how to handle eating out and temptation
 - A lifestyle change, NOT a diet!

What you'll give:
 - Encouragement and support to others via daily check ins
 - Replace one meal a day with Shakeology
 - Make it a priority to workout according to your workout calendar

We take new members once a month, and all kick off our Day one together.  We'd love for you to join us next month!  Email me to join our team!

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