Thursday, January 28, 2016

21 Day Fix While Traveling/Eating Out

A lot of Challengers can get off track while traveling or eating out.  A few tips will help you stay on track and not completely undo all of your progress and hard work!!

1) Review menus ahead of time to plan meals the rest of your day.  If you know you are going to use a red, green, blue, and yellow at dinner, plan the rest of your day accordingly.  Pull up the menu online, and search for options that work for your day.    Most restaurants offer meals that fit within your plan, whether it's salad topped with chicken or salmon, burgers without a bun, grilled fish and veggies, omelette/scrambled eggs, etc.  If you don't see a meal that fits exactly into your meal plan, try to adjust (ie, order a burger and ask to leave off the bun, ask for dressing on the side or sub olive oil and vinegar for your dressing, request no cheese be added to a dish).  When you make a healthy decision ahead of time, it most often helps you stick with your decision once you arrive at the restaurant!

2) Drink lots of water during the day, as so many times thirst is disguised as hunger.  Water will also help give your body the energy you need while traveling!

3) Pack snacks that travel well or plan snacks that are easy to purchase while traveling.  Almonds, single serving packets of nut butters, apples, bananas, oranges, carrots, celery, ezekiel bread, popcorn, oatmeal (easy to add hot water in a hotel room, let it sit, and add raisins).  Most hotels will offer greek yogurt, fruit, hard boiled eggs, and a variety of other snacks that will fit within your meal plan.  Shakeology is another great option that travels well, and can just be mixed with water and ice for a quick meal or snack!

4) Plan your workouts.  If you are not taking your home DVD program, don't forget about Beachbody On Demand.  You can stream your favorite workout to your laptop and workout in your hotel room!  If you don't have BB On Demand, plan a hotel room workout or hit the fitness center!

Here is a great hotel room workout:

60 seconds of Jumping Jacks
15 Burpees
60 seconds of High Knees
20 Reverse Lunges, each leg
15 Push Ups
20 Squats
60 second plank
60 second wall sit
20 tricep dips
60 second break, repeat each exercise

And remember, it's all about progress, not perfection.  Don't be too hard on yourself, especially while traveling.  Just make the best choices from what's available and get back to your regular routine when you return home!

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