Thursday, January 28, 2016

21 Day Fix While Traveling/Eating Out

A lot of Challengers can get off track while traveling or eating out.  A few tips will help you stay on track and not completely undo all of your progress and hard work!!

1) Review menus ahead of time to plan meals the rest of your day.  If you know you are going to use a red, green, blue, and yellow at dinner, plan the rest of your day accordingly.  Pull up the menu online, and search for options that work for your day.    Most restaurants offer meals that fit within your plan, whether it's salad topped with chicken or salmon, burgers without a bun, grilled fish and veggies, omelette/scrambled eggs, etc.  If you don't see a meal that fits exactly into your meal plan, try to adjust (ie, order a burger and ask to leave off the bun, ask for dressing on the side or sub olive oil and vinegar for your dressing, request no cheese be added to a dish).  When you make a healthy decision ahead of time, it most often helps you stick with your decision once you arrive at the restaurant!

2) Drink lots of water during the day, as so many times thirst is disguised as hunger.  Water will also help give your body the energy you need while traveling!

3) Pack snacks that travel well or plan snacks that are easy to purchase while traveling.  Almonds, single serving packets of nut butters, apples, bananas, oranges, carrots, celery, ezekiel bread, popcorn, oatmeal (easy to add hot water in a hotel room, let it sit, and add raisins).  Most hotels will offer greek yogurt, fruit, hard boiled eggs, and a variety of other snacks that will fit within your meal plan.  Shakeology is another great option that travels well, and can just be mixed with water and ice for a quick meal or snack!

4) Plan your workouts.  If you are not taking your home DVD program, don't forget about Beachbody On Demand.  You can stream your favorite workout to your laptop and workout in your hotel room!  If you don't have BB On Demand, plan a hotel room workout or hit the fitness center!

Here is a great hotel room workout:

60 seconds of Jumping Jacks
15 Burpees
60 seconds of High Knees
20 Reverse Lunges, each leg
15 Push Ups
20 Squats
60 second plank
60 second wall sit
20 tricep dips
60 second break, repeat each exercise

And remember, it's all about progress, not perfection.  Don't be too hard on yourself, especially while traveling.  Just make the best choices from what's available and get back to your regular routine when you return home!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hammer and Chisel Update and 21 Day Fix Tuscan Pork Chops

Wow!  I cannot believe we are at Day 20 of Hammer and Chisel!  The past several days I have been super sore, I'm guessing because I am finally increasing weight and trying to push myself more.  There have been a few days that I've been tempted to skip, but I've managed to workout every day according to the calendar.  I really do look forward to the workouts and enjoy them, even though they are tough.  But it's easy to let lack of sleep try to change my mind!  It's helpful knowing I'm reporting in to my Challenge Group each day, and that DJ is following the program as well.  Having a partner has always helped me stay accountable!  Here's hoping we can stay on track while my work schedule gets crazy!

We've had great meals the past few days, including the paleo chili I shared the other day, the taco bake, and the tuscan pork chops below.  Snacks have been my standard - peanut butter on toasted ezekiel bread (had the cinnamon raisin this week and it's YUMMY!) or sliced apples with peanut butter; scrambled eggs with spinach, tomato, onion and a little cheddar cheese or omelette; egg salad (2 boiled eggs, dijon mustard, dill) on toasted ezekiel bread.  I probably ought to spice up my snacks, but I really enjoy them!  DJ has enjoyed some of the same snacks, and also makes a great baked apple oatmeal recipe I'll share soon.  We are planning a few new recipes for next week, and will share once we've tested!

Tuscan Pork Chops

4 pork chops
4 tsp Olive Oil
5 cloves of garlic
2 15 oz cans diced tomato, drained
1 onion, diced
2 tsp oregano
1 tsp sage
1 tsp basil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Place 2 tsp olive oil in pan, turning to medium heat.  When heated, sear pork chops for 2 minutes, each side.  Place pork chops in 9 by 13 baking dish.

Saute onion and garlic in remaining 2 tsp olive oil.  When onions are translucent, pour in tomatoes, and stir in seasonings.  Top pork chops with onion/tomato mixture.  Bake in oven for 30 minutes.

We served with seasoned baked okra, and it was delish!!

21 Day Fix Challengers:  The above was 1 red (we had bone in pork chops, so it looks much bigger than 1 red!), 1.5 green, 1 tsp.

Monday, January 25, 2016

21 Day Fix Approved Taco Bake

21 Day Fix Approved Taco Bake

Another success, and we weren't really sure how this one would turn out!  We really wanted something mexican, but didn't want to use tortillas.  We had half a spaghetti squash frozen, so again, just googled recipes until we were able to put together a recipe we thought would work for us.  We were really happy with the results, and will be adding the recipe to our regular rotation.

1 1/4 cups spaghetti squash (We used a small spaghetti squash, and 1 1/4 cups was about half)
1.5 lbs ground beef (We used 3 cups for the taco bake, and had just enough left over for the girls to make tacos)
homemade taco seasoning:
  1 Tbsp chili powder
  1 tsp salt
  1 tsp black pepper
  1 tsp oregano
  1 tsp thyme
  1 1/2 tsp cumin
  1/2 tsp paprika
  1/4 tsp garlic powder
  1/4 tsp onion powder
  1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1 cup refried beans (canned or homemade as in previous post)
1 can green chiles, drained
chopped cilantro
1/2 yellow onion
Optional toppings:
  chopped lettuce
  shredded cheddar cheese
  greek yogurt

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Poke holes in spaghetti squash, place on baking sheet, and bake whole for 45 minutes, or until soft to touch.  Remove squash from oven, and let squash cool about 10 minutes.  Meanwhile, reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees for baking casserole.  Slice squash in half horizontally and scoop out seeds, then pulp.  Sit aside half pulp for taco bake.  The other half would be great with spaghetti sauce, or freeze for future use.  We've found it freezes very well!

While spaghetti squash is baking, brown ground beef.  Drain, add seasonings to beef, stir.  Sit beef aside, and grease 9 by 13 baking dish.  We used just a little olive oil.

Place spaghetti squash in a very thin layer in greased dish. Next, layer refried beans, and then layer with seasoned ground beef.  Sprinkle green chiles, cilantro, and yellow onion.  Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.  Below is a picture before baking.

21 Day Fix Challengers - The above made 6 servings, and we counted each serving as 3/4 red (ground beef and greek yogurt topping), 1.5 green (spaghetti squash, onion, chopped lettuce topping), 1/2 yellow (it's technically 1/3 yellow, but to keep things easy, I always err on the side of over counting yellows!), 1 blue (shredded cheddar cheese)

Tonight I was extra hungry, so I served the taco bake over lettuce and shredded cheese (just 1/2 a blue today), and topped with a spoonful of salsa and greek yogurt on the side.  Also added a few slices of cucumber and tomato.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Join a Challenge Group!

Are you looking for accountability and support to help you on your journey to better health and fitness?  Then a Challenge Group is the place for you!!

So, what is a Challenge Group?  A Challenge Group is made up of other people just like you!  People looking for a little help on their journey to better health and fitness that would love to receive encouragement and tips along the way.

What you'll receive:
 - A private community, with members all looking to grow fit together
 - Daily encouragement and support
 - Assistance determining a workout plan
 - Weekly meal plans and recipes
 - Tips on how to handle eating out and temptation
 - A lifestyle change, NOT a diet!

What you'll give:
 - Encouragement and support to others via daily check ins
 - Replace one meal a day with Shakeology
 - Make it a priority to workout according to your workout calendar

We take new members once a month, and all kick off our Day one together.  We'd love for you to join us next month!  Email me to join our team!

Weekend Wrap - Southwest Chicken Soup, Paleo Chili, and COOKIES!! Plus H&C Update!

It was COLD this weekend, so we were looking for a few recipes to warm us up.  We were also craving something sweet, but didn't want to fall completely off track.  Here are a few recipes we enjoyed:

Southwest Chicken Soup
We thawed out the broth from the Crockpot Southwestern Chicken today, and made a soup to warm us up this cold weekend!  Super easy and fast!  This recipe is an easy one to customize by adding whatever veggies you have on hand; the below worked for us, but you could also add diced tomato, broccoli, carrots, spinach, etc!

Leftover broth from Crockpot Southwest Chicken and equal parts water
5 chicken breasts
3 3/4 cups chopped zucchini
1/2 yellow onion
1 cup black beans (canned, drained, or from crock pot recipe)
2 tsp Cumin
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Onion Powder
Salt to taste
Black Pepper to taste

Add thawed broth, water, and chicken breast to large boiler.  Bring to a boil, cover, reduce to low and cook about 2 hours.  Shred chicken in boiler.  Add zucchini, onion, black beans and seasoning.  Simmer for one to two hours (until veggies are cooked to your desired tenderness).

21 Day Fix Challengers - I measured almost a red full of chicken and put into a tupperware, then added broth and veggies.  I wanted to be sure I got pretty close to a full red serving, and then counted the zucchini and beans as 1/4 a green and 1/2 a yellow.

Paleo Chili
Another great recipe for the chilly weather is the below paleo chili recipe.  Promise you'll never miss the beans!!  We found this recipe at

Paleo Chili

21 Day Fix Challengers - I measured the above by filling one and a half red containers.  I'll be counting as one red, 3/4 a green.  It's an estimate, but when you are eating food that's good for you, I'm okay estimating my containers!  If I'm still hungry later, I'll snack on more green.

Oatmeal Cookies

These cookies were great!  Maybe a little too great, because I definitely ate more than I should have this weekend!  I'm glad we made them though, because with the threat of snow the end of last week, I was really wanting to bake cookies with the girls.  This way, we made cookies, but weren't completely off track.  I did let the girls indulge in the Oreos they wanted, and managed to stay away from them myself, so I say SUCCESS!!

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies  (Note, we did not add the extra chocolate chips on top and DJ used a few walnuts, no peanuts.)

21 Day Fix Challengers - Again, it's an estimate, but I would count 2 cookies as 1/2 purple, 1 yellow, 1/2 blue, 1 tsp.  I think each of those are a little on the high side, but I like to estimate high to be safe!

Hammer and Chisel Update

We are into week 3 of Hammer and Chisel, and still really enjoying these workouts.  We have only repeated a couple of workouts so far, and I like how they switch trainers from day to day.  I am trying to push myself a little more and increase my weights.  I have virtually no upper body strength, so really trying to work on pushing through the upper body moves.  I like when Autumn reminds me, it's supposed to be hard!!  I can tell a difference in how my pants are fitting, but I can't really "see" the changes yet.  I know it takes a while to really "see" your body changing, but when you are working out hard, sure would be nice to "see" it sooner ;) Anxious to get to Day 30 and take measurements!!  Going to need to stay on track with nutrition this week and stay away from cookies, for sure - ha!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

21 Day Fix Approved Stuffed Chicken

21 Day Fix Approved Stuffed Chicken

One of the recipes we've loved this week is a stuffed chicken recipe.  We saw several posted on line, and again, just modified to make it fit our meal plan.  DJ was the mastermind behind putting it all together, of course!

Here are the details:

5 large chicken breasts
Veggies for filling:
Red Onion
Red Pepper
Shredded Cheese (optional)
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)

Butterfly each chicken breast.  Cover chicken with saran wrap and beat with mallet to thin out chicken.   Select 1/3 cup of veggies and fill each breast.  If using cheese, we suggest 1/2 blue container of shredded cheese (non 21 day fixers, a blue is 1/3 cup).  Close each breast using toothpicks to hold together.  Mix all seasoning together, and sprinkle over top of chicken.  Bake chicken on 350 for about 45 minutes.

We served the chicken with additional veggies.  Mix zucchini, squash, broccoli, and carrots; drizzle a little olive oil on top and sprinkle with salt and pepper; bake in oven on 400 to desired tenderness.

21 Day Fix Challengers - We used a little less than one breast as a serving, and counted 1 red, 1 green (1/3 for veggies, 2/3 for mixed veggies), and 1/2 blue for the breasts that contained cheese.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Why Shakeology?

Why I drink Shakeology:
I was a skeptic of Shakeology until last spring, when I joined my first Challenge Group.  I had read about Shakeology, and knew others that raved about it, but I wasn't convinced it was for me. The Challenge Pack allowed me to try Shakeology at a significant discount, purchase a new workout program, and gain access to a group of like minded individuals working towards the same goal.  

I started drinking Shakeology as a meal replacement in March, 2015 with my group, and following the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I knew immediately that I loved the flavor of the chocolate shake, and actually felt full for several hours after drinking a shake for breakfast.  I also loved that I only needed to add water and ice to enjoy my shake, and it was one less meal I had to plan/prep.  As I progressed with the program and drinking shakes, I felt great!  I had completed several workout programs before, but by April 2015 I actually had the results I wanted from the combination of Shakeology and working out.

I knew I wanted to continue drinking Shakeology after my first 30 days, so I signed up to be a discount coach (for FREE - another perk of purchasing a Challenge Pack) in order to obtain the 25% discount.  I have continued drinking Shakeology, and I notice a huge difference in my eating habits when I am not drinking my daily shake.

What exactly is Shakeology?  

Shakeology is a superfood packed protein shake with a low calorie formula.  Shakeology is not utilized as just a weight loss shake, but as a supplement to ensure your body obtains all the daily nutrients for optimal health.

What's in Shakeology?

 - Shakeology contains over 70 high quality ingredients and 23 vitamins and minerals.
 - Shakeology contains a proprietary protein blend, including whey, quinoa, and brown rice.  The protein in Shakeology helps you build lean muscle, lose weight, and reduce cravings.
 - Shakeology includes digestive enzymes to improve overall digestion and increase nutrient absorption.
 - Shakeology contains super fruits and an antioxidant blend to boost the immune system, support the heart, and support optimal blood pressure.
 - Shakeology contains a veggie blend, including spinach, wheat grass, and barley grass, in order to detoxify the liver, kidneys, and blood.  

What flavors of Shakeology are available?

  - Chocolate (my favorite, and a bestseller)
  - Vanilla (another best seller)
  - Tropical Strawberry
  - Greenberry
  - Cafe Latte (released January 2015)
  - Vegan Chocolate
  - Vegan Tropical Strawberry

As a busy, full time working mom, I love including a fast, easy, HEALTHY breakfast in my daily routine!

Click to Order Shakeology Now!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Weekend Wrap - 21 Day Fix Turkey Roll Up

Weekend Wrap

Fun weekend here!  Great birthday party with all 3 girls Saturday morning, and then enjoyed a TOUGH H&C workout.  Spent some time Saturday meal prepping, after having grocery shopped on Thursday.  Enjoyed a really great lunch this weekend, picture below.  I used two slices of deli meat, and rolled chopped spinach, red onion, red bell pepper, and tomato inside with a little yellow mustard.  Threw in a serving of fruit, cheddar cheese, and a pickle, and it was great!

21 day fix challengers - I counted as 3/4 red, 1 green, 1 purple, 1/2 blue.

DJ also made a stuffed chicken over the weekend, and I'll share the recipe and pics later this week!

We went to dinner with friends Saturday night to celebrate several January birthdays.  I reviewed the menu ahead of time to scope it out and try to find a few meals that would at least somewhat fit with my meal plan.  Ended up with grilled salmon and asparagus, and it was delicious!  No counting containers for the wine and beer I enjoyed though!

It's easy to get off track on the weekends, but we are big believers in following the 80/20 rule.  Plan a cheat meal, and enjoy yourself!  And remember, today is a new day!!

Friday, January 15, 2016

21 Day Fix Approved Crock Pot Southwest Chicken

21 Day Fix Approved Crock pot Southwest Chicken

We tried a new recipe last night, and modified several recipes we have seen to come up with something that fits our eating plan.  It was easy, and turned out really good! Two of the girls ate it, but of course we had one that wouldn't try it.  Honestly, I was just too tired last night to push her, so made her a sandwich instead.  One thing I really liked was that the spinach and mushrooms were tiny from being chopped, and the girls didn't really notice either.

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
4 cups chicken broth
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cans 15 oz diced tomatoes
3 teaspoons onion powder
2 teaspoons garlic powder
3 teaspoons chili powder
2 teaspoons cumin
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 cans black beans, rinsed
1 cup chopped spinach  (You could definitely add more spinach, and it would taste great, but I was trying to add just enough that the girls wouldn't turn up their noses at it!)
1 cup diced mushrooms
shredded cheddar, greek yogurt, and banana peppers for topping

Place chicken breasts in crock pot.
Pour chicken broth over chicken, add olive oil, tomatoes, and seasonings.
Cook on low for about 4 hours.
Remove chicken from crock pot after 4 hours.
Add black beans, spinach, and mushrooms to broth and cook an additional 30 minutes on low.
Once finished cooking, strain and save broth.
Shred cooled chicken, and add to bean/spinach/mushroom mixture.  I added a few tablespoons of the broth to the mixture as well, and froze the remaining broth for a future soup recipe.

Options:  The chicken is delicious with a little shredded cheddar, greek yogurt, and banana pepper on top.  We are eating with a salad this week, and the girls had with corn as a side.  You could also wrap in a wheat tortilla.

21 Day Fix Challengers  - I filled a red container with the chicken mixture, and count as 1 red (chicken and about 1 T greek yogurt), 1 yellow (black beans), 1/2 green (spinach, mushrooms and diced tomatoes), 1 blue (shredded cheddar cheese).

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hammer and Chisel - Week 1 Review

Wow!!  I am loving H&C!  The workouts are challenging, but doable.  I have had to modify several moves, but I'm always okay with modifications.  Gives me a goal to work towards!  My legs and booty have been ON FIRE during several workouts, and I am definitely sore; but I love the feeling that I'm accomplishing something, so being sore doesn't bother me.  Longest workout so far is about 45 minutes, and the others are about 30 minutes.  Definitely short enough that I can fit into my routine!  You do need weights and a resistance band with a door attachment or pull up bar.  We also have a bench, and I've enjoyed having the bench for many of the moves.  They do show ways to modify the moves without a bench as well, so not a requirement.

Loving the workouts definitely helps keep me motivated, but I won't lie, I've had two mornings that I was VERY tempted to stay in my cozy bed!!  I made myself workout anyway, despite having spent two nights with virtually no sleep from various kiddos waking me up throughout the night.  Unfortunately, I'm not one to fall asleep easy, so when they wake me up, I struggle to get back to sleep.  Once I'm awake for a couple of hours, that voice in my head telling me to skip my workout gets pretty convincing!  But, I tell myself that I know change is not going to come easy, and if you want change, you have to push yourself!  So I roll out of bed, groggy and tired, put on my clothes, grab a few drinks of cold water, and get started.  I have never regretting waking up to workout!!

Our nutrition has been on track for 7 days now, and we are both feeling great!  We got rid of all the junk leftover from the holidays, so we haven't had tempting foods in the house - helps so much when first getting started!  I do find when I drink my shakes regularly and workout, I begin to have fewer cravings.  Last year, when I joined my first Challenge group and began drinking shakes, was the first year I've come out of tax season having lost weight and feeling great.  Huge accomplishment!!  Working long hours, 6 to 7 days a week, and actually having the energy to workout was a big deal for me.  Staying on track with nutrition was even more of an accomplishment!!!  I'm looking to lead my own Challenge Groups throughout the months of February, March, and April, so if you want to join me, let me know!  I'll be sharing lots of easy recipes, because it's the only way we'll be able to prepare our food through tax season!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

A Family Favorite - Slow Cooker Refried Beans (100 Days of Real Food)

A question I receive from almost every Challenger in my group, "What do you feed your children?".  We've had some misses along our journey, and each girl goes through stages where she can be a little picky.  However, the Easy Slow Cooker Refried Beans recipe from is ALWAYS a hit!!  The girls love the beans in a wheat tortilla with a little cheddar cheese and sour cream, and many times they eat the beans without a tortilla (they are that good!!!).  We eat the beans topped with a little greek yogurt and cheddar cheese and serve with a side salad.  Top your salad with jalapeno and banana peppers and a tsp of salsa, and you are set!  This Saturday the hubby wanted a little protein with dinner as well, so he baked a whole chicken and we added chicken to the meal.

A couple of notes, the recipe makes a LOT of beans.  We typically freeze half of the recipe for future meals.  Also, we do sometimes omit the jalapeno.  We love the beans a little on the spicy side, but the girls usually prefer if we half the jalapeno or omit completely.  They are still delish without!  You can also throw the beans in a blender versus mashing by hand.  Makes for a great consistency!  And finally, we also make the recipe with black beans, which are a hit as well.

21 day fix Challengers - The above equals 3/4 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 1/2 green.

  • 1 onion, peeled and halved
  • 2 cups dry pinto beans, rinsed
  • ½ fresh jalapeno or other hot pepper, seeded and chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • ¾ teaspoons salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • One big pinch of cumin
  • 6 cups water
  1. Combine all ingredients in slow cooker.
  2. Cook on high for 8 hours or overnight while you are sleeping.
  3. Remove the bigger onion chunks and drain the excess liquid. If desired, save the excess liquid to add back to the final product to get the optimal consistency (i.e. not too dry).
  4. Mash remaining beans with a potato masher and voila! You have homemade refried beans.