Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekend Wrap - More 21 Day Fix Approved Recipes!

Fun weekend for us!  I did work on Saturday, of course, but we still managed to squeeze lots of fun into the weekend!

Saturday started off with our workouts.  I mentioned last week that I wouldn't put off my workouts until Saturday evenings through tax season, and I stuck to my decision this weekend.  I was really happy to get the workout over and out of the way!  One thing I've realized, most people aren't waking up to their alarms super excited and happy to be woken up each day.  Most of us would love to sleep in and stay snuggled in our beds.  But, knowing that with hard work come results, I've been able to keep pushing myself out of bed each morning!  I really am so happy with how I'm feeling with this program, and I really think I can keep working out according to the program through the end of tax season - I have to come back to this post on about April 5th or so to remind myself!!

Onto the recipes from the weekend!  Saturday night we made enchiladas - 21 day fix approved enchiladas!!  As usual, we found a few recipes we liked and modified to fit our plan.  Here's how the enchiladas went down:

5 chicken breasts, boiled and shredded
1 bunch of fresh spinach, chopped
1/2 small yellow onion, diced
1 cup chopped mushrooms
1 - 2 tsp olive oil
1 large can green chile enchilada sauce
1 large can red enchilada sauce
12 wheat tortillas
shredded cheddar cheese
greek yogurt, as topping

Boil chicken until cooked thoroughly.  Shred chicken once cool.  Meanwhile, saute onions in olive oil until translucent, then add spinach and mushrooms and cook until spinach wilts.  Mix shredded chicken with spinach mixture.  We made 2 versions, one with green enchilada sauce and one with red enchilada sauce.  We split the chicken/spinach mixture in half, and added about 3/4 cup of green sauce to one, and about 3/4 cup red sauce to the other.

Preheat oven to 350.  Spread green enchilada sauce in the bottom of one glass 9 by 13 baking dish, and spread red enchilada sauce over the bottom of another glass 9 by 13 baking dish.  Measure 1 red container (3/4 cup) of chicken mixture and place in the center of wheat tortilla, roll, and place in baking dish.  Continue until you have placed 6 filled tortillas in each baking dish.  Pour remaining sauce over the top of enchiladas.  We measured about 1/2 a blue container of shredded cheese to top each enchilada.  Feel free to add cheese as you see fit!  Bake approximately 15 minutes.

We counted the below as 1.25 red (chicken and greek yogurt), 1.5 yellow (tortilla and black beans), 1.5 green (salad and spinach/onion/mushroom in enchiladas) .5 blue (cheese).  This meal is completely worth saving your yellows!!!

Sunday was Valentine's Day, so we had to indulge in a little dessert!  We bought dark chocolate chips and made chocolate covered pineapple and bananas.  We also love strawberries and grapes, but I think we all would choose pineapple as our favorite.  Unfortunately this wasn't the only dessert I had all weekend because peanut M&Ms showed up in our house!  I cannot resist peanut M&Ms, so I've had my fair share over the past 24 hours!  Good for me I've been mostly on track lately, so definitely still feel like we've followed our meal plan 80% of the time.

We have a few other great recipes coming this week, so be on the lookout for lasagna and meatloaf!!

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