Sunday, June 26, 2016

Fried plantains

We found a recipe years ago for pork carnitas, and the site included a recipe for fried plantains.  We had never made plantains at home, but they've become one of our favorites!  They are amazing with guacamole or as a base for a great mexican pizza, but are also good dusted with a little cinnamon and sea salt.  They are a little work, but totally worth the effort!

We look for plantains that are pretty green, and typically buy 4 for our family of 5.  Our girls love the fried plantains as much as we do, and they sneak them off the plate as I'm cooking!  The easy version - Peel the plantains, slice very thinly.  Heat coconut oil on medium high heat on the stove top.   The recipe we initially found called for more coconut oil than we prefer to use.  I start with about 2 T of oil, but I do usually need to add more oil as I'm cooking the plantains.  Cook on each side until lightly browned, a few minutes each side.  Remove from oil, sprinkle with sea salt.

My favorite way to cook them is a little more involved, but I really just love them this way!  Slice the plantains about 1.5 to 2 inches thick.  Place in preheated coconut oil.  Cook on each side until browned.  Remove from pan and place on flat surface.  Use the bottom of a glass to smash the plantain.  Once smashed, place back in pan and cook for a minute or two on each side again.  Remove from oil, sprinkle with sea salt.

Plantains count as a purple for 21 DF, so I usually skip my fruit on days we plan to eat plantains.  I also skip my tsp since you'll be cooking the plantains in coconut oil!

Hope your family loves them as much as we do :)

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